Studio C Wiki

Ever wonder what it's like to interview for your DREAM JOB, like being a pilot?!? Well, it may not be exactly how you pictured it! Find out how pilot job interviews REALLY ARE now!


Matt: Have a seat.

Matt: You seem very qualified in the air. I just have a few other questions I'd like to ask you.
Aaron: Okay, sure. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.
Matt: Great. I'd like you to speak into this microphone and read what's on this prompt.
Aaron: Okay, sure.

Aaron: "Ladies and gentlemen, ahhh, thanks again for flying with UpHigh Airlines. We're about an hour and a half from our destination with wonderful weather, showing on the scanner of about 75 degrees with some fair winds. Thank you for flying UpHigh Airlines."
Matt: Great. I noticed a sigh in there. How long can you sigh?
Aaron: Oh.

Matt: A little below average, but you'll get the hang of it. Next question: You're a little off course and you need to make a slight adjustment, but you know the passengers are going to notice. What do you do?
Aaron: Um, blame it on turbulence and turn on the seatbelt sign.
Matt: Excellent. Can you demonstrate that for me?
Aaron: Sure. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're...<indistinct> ...seats are up and mind your tray tables, so about turbulence...<indistinct>...try and make sure that...<indistinct>...seatbelts. Ping.<indistinct> comfortable. Thank you for flying UpHigh Airlines."
Matt: Superb. Now, it's been a while since you've said anything and everyone is really into their movies-
Aaron: "Sorry for the interruption everyone, we're...<indistinct>...difficulties...<indistinct>...flight attendants. Make sure to take care..."
Matt: Great.
Aaron: "...<indistinct>...magazines...<indistinct>. Thank you for flying UpHigh Airlines."
Matt: Perfect. You completely passed this part of the test.

Matt: I have one last question on a different note, to test your problem-solving abilities. Let's say you have a 120 mile an hour headwind and your co-pilot is unconscious, and you have dual-engine failure. What do you do?

Aaron: "...<indistinct>..."
Matt: What was that?
Aaron: "...<indistinct>..."
Matt: Sorry, I'm not getting...
Aaron: "Thank you for flying UpHigh Airlines."
Matt: You're hired.

Season 8 Episode 8
~ A Typical Pilot Job Interview (transcript) ~
~ TSA Check (transcript) ~
~ Safety Instruction Heckler (transcript) ~
~ Stop Reading My Texts (transcript) ~
~ Dracula's First Flight (transcript) ~
~ This is Your Captain Speaking (transcript) ~